Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Fall fun

Wesley dropped my phone and shattered the screen so I've been using an old phone but my new phone and new industrial case came today! The camera on the old phone isn't quite as good so I'm excited to have the new one back.

Sherri took all of us to Witches Night Out and I was a little late on my costume game so I had to make some accessories.
Spider witch
 Camden has been begging to go to Cornbelly's so we obliged on the only hot day this fall. We roasted for an hour and then went home put the boys in bed and tried again later.

 It helped that the cousins joined us!

Wes loved hanging out with Dad!


This daddy's boy can't wait until dad gets home and then doesn't let him go

Most of the time we've had beautiful 70's weather and we are trying to take advantage


"Homework" time

Reading cars stories

I love when these two play together

Spooky faces

Wes is completely obsessed with cars, the movie, the story, and the actual items

Skeptical cowboys

His lego reward for finishing swim lessons.

Playing on the big slides at kangaroo zoo
We can't wait for Halloween parties this coming weekend and then a big surprise for the boys next month!

1 comment:

Jo Ann said...

Looking forward to seeing you and the boys on Halloween, Nicole. I love, love, love seeing the pictures. I look at Instagram at least daily, for my happy time. They boys make me smile.

December 2019

 Still playing catch up. The boys wrote their letters to Santa on the long drive home. We went to Luminaria with the cousins and had our ann...