This should probably be a few posts because of the amount of pictures but I'm going to squeeze it all in one. We finished out summer strong with Camden's long awaited super hero week followed by two weeks of play dates and adventures! Camden's first day of preschool (his 15 minute interview) was today and he was so excited! I'm excited for a bit of routine and some one on one time with Wes. These kids are just the best!
I love finding them reading to themselves. |
The king of the cupcakes! |
Super Hero week was a lot harder for me to plan than I thought it would be. I think my brain was a little done. It was also hard that Camden had some specific things in mind that weren't physically possible like an actual Green Lantern ring that really made stuff.
Spider man web shooting |
Dan had to go on a back packing trip with the YM and we had no backpacking supplies. So, about $300 and a million Amazon deliveries later, he was set.
The boys were so excited to open each box. |
Testing out the camp pad. |
Camden usually wanted to be a villain instead of a hero so we switched a lot of the activities up.
Bane had to cross the lasers to rob the bank |
The point right before Wes tore through the remaining lasers |
He has no fear |
but he's cute! |
He loves to vacuum and Santa might be bringing him his own! |
Loves |
Helping me replace all my dead flowers |
Making Bane |
Mini Batman |
Big Batman |
Dan was standing here talking to me and slowly his best friends came and joined him. |
Super hero training course which turned into Killer Croc bombing the bank |
Making a shrinking Ant Man and Green Lantern ring |
Loving the fishy |
Twin shorts |
We could not wait for Dad to get home |
Sherri gave us this cool batman cake pan she used for one of Dan's birthdays so we had Batman cake! |
Airing out Dad's tent |
Wesley turned 18 months and decided to start talking! He says dada (a million times a day), car, show, baba, some form of drink/milk, call (in combination with dada usually), camden, and Batman. Still no mama though! He's getting more stable and doesn't fall off of things quite as much, though he did just fall off the bed yesterday. He is a mover and the best hugger around!
18 month cheese ball! |
The best 18 month shot I got. |
Cool kid |
A trip to the dino museum with neighbor Eliza |
Play museum with Ryelle |
Wes loves to be free! |
Exploring the many books at Costco. |
Camden has started riding his bike again and is getting much braver. He even rode with the neighbor kids the other day |
Wes always wants to get in the movie |
Peek a boo |
Farm country trip |
I don't know why I think playing on their tummy is so adorable, but I do. |
We still love when Dad is home the most. Now, the weather is pretty much perfect so we're enjoying it as much as possible before we start to freeze.
Pokemon hunting |
Camden started an online preschool called Upstart. After his pretest he got an awesome deputy star! |
rubbing pasta into his face! |
The two are becoming such good friends! |
We are still having sleep struggles but overall, these kids are just so much fun. I love watching them get excited for things and learn and grow. I'm dreading winter but I can't wait for all the fun holidays!
Thanks for another great post, Nicole. I love your excitement and enjoyment of your boys. They are the luckiest boys in the world. You and Dan are such great parents.
Ditto! These were great photos. Thanks for keeping us updated on what's going on in the Davis home!
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