Monday, January 25, 2016

Down time

We've had a nice calm stretch after all our activities lately and the boys decided it was the perfect time for never ending colds. Camden has been recovered for about a week but Wes upped his game and got a case of mild RSV. He's on day 5 of antibiotics and doing a little better. So, we've mostly been hanging out at home.

Helping Dad
 Camden has a new Lego incentive chart and these minifigs are doing the trick!

Hot chocolate mustache

I can never keep that belly covered

Cool dude

He's so big!

Putting out our ice jewels

Look at those baby blues!
 We did break out one weekend to visit The Train Shoppe. They have a ton of trains kids can drive for a quarter.

Riding the big train!

More teething


I love those chunky arms


...they're always in each others faces

Camden's much anticipated b-day gift from Grandma Jerrie

More snow and a giant snow man
 Wesley turned 11 months and I can't believe it! I'm definitely ready for the next phase but the last month flew by!

When I finally get the pictures off Dan's phone I'll recap the last 3 months again ;)

1 comment:

Jo Ann said...

Sometimes I just click on your blog to bring a smile to my lips. The boys are so adorable and I love seeing all the things they are doing.

December 2019

 Still playing catch up. The boys wrote their letters to Santa on the long drive home. We went to Luminaria with the cousins and had our ann...