Saturday, August 1, 2015

Photo Dump

I've been busy getting ready for and being at girls camp and packing for Hawaii but I want to get these pictures off my phone before we leave tomorrow! So, here is a big hodgepodge of the last couple of weeks.

Bow from our hike

How we eat all our meals

Almost sitting

Cute brothers!

Forced kisses

Puffy faces

Wes isn't too sure about this

So cute!!

Returning kisses

5 months!

So smiley

When Dad and Camden hangout

Big laughs for Dad

He looks so old!

Oh brothers!

Boys day

Sibling love

Do they look related?!

Too big for a bumbo

Too big for the swing

Hanging out at the "water tower"

My cute boys when I got home from camp


Meditating the journey
Now I have room to take a million in Hawaii! If you want more immediate pics you can follow me on Instagram at "thebeautyineveryinch"

1 comment:

Klundt Family said...

I hope you had a good experience at camp, and hope all of you have a great time in Hawaii!

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