Monday, June 15, 2015

Family Reunion #1

We had our first of three family reunions this past week. We went with my Dad's side to Bear Lake. It was supposed to rain all weekend but we were lucky and had beautiful weather.

The first stop was the beach

Inspecting the sand

It was perfect sand castle sand

Chasing seagulls

Wes wasn't sure how he felt

The water was a little chilly but the seaweed was a bigger problem for Camden

No reaction from Wes

Camden wore this outfit at 6+ months and it's a little snug already

Seconds before it was smashed

Wes loved looking at his shade umbrella!

Merman fins
 The  house we stayed at was huge and had these indoor slides. Camden loved them and loved having tons of people to play with. It was fun to see him warm up to everyone.

 The outside had another huge playground and tennis courts.

New bubbles

It looks like Wesley is on the lake. It's just the trampoline.

Camden looks scared of the bubbles
 Dan and some other family members went golfing at the course right below the house. They picked  Camden up for the last few holes and he loved riding in the golf cart.
Taking a swing with Grandpa
 We loved seeing all our family. They loved passing around my chunkster and it was nice to have free arms for a while. I didn't get a picture of the siblings or of Ash with Wes but I got Cori's first meeting!

Wes' turn on the slide

Trying some of the "famous" raspberry shakes

Wes ate his elephant instead

Wes and dad

Wes and mom

I'm not sure who is entertaining who but all my cousins were so cute with Camden!
We had such a fun time! We played minute to win it games, cupcake wars, and family Jeopardy. We ate so much food, too! I'm grateful for my grandma for organizing this get together and we look forward to the next one in 2 years!


jerrie said...

Wow fun! You should make a large copy of Dan and Camden chasing birds. The sky is beautiful and its pretty cute. Thank you for sharing. Mom

jerrie said...

Wow fun! You should make a large copy of Dan and Camden chasing birds. The sky is beautiful and its pretty cute. Thank you for sharing. Mom

December 2019

 Still playing catch up. The boys wrote their letters to Santa on the long drive home. We went to Luminaria with the cousins and had our ann...