Saturday, March 21, 2015

One month!

I'm pretty lucky that this has been my first week alone since Wesley was born.  I certainly haven't been as productive or well rested!

We had Wesley's 2wk well check and he is doing great! He weighed 9 lbs 6 oz! He has well surpassed his birth weight and is in the 97th percentile for weight. He is 21 in and in the 61st percentile for height. We definitely have a chunker! He is eating so much more than Camden ever did and I keep thinking, you can't still be hungry! He is going between sleeping really well and waking every hour. He just likes to keep us on our toes. Camden is pitching in and skipping naps and waking up at night, too!

Adorable One

Adorable Two

Brotherly love

Dr Spiderman

Wesley's first bath! He looks like an old man in a sauna

Going on a walk. I love that it's warm enough outside to get out of the house.

Helping push

Water break

Grandparent snuggles

Sleeping Queens is a favorite pastime of Camden's right now. It's nice that it's easy to play one handed.

When I have to feed Wesley and Camden wants something he offers to feed Wesley just long enough so I can get his food.

Love these boys

Dan's cute cousin Ali took some family pictures for us. I tried to narrow it down but I had a hard time.


Jo Ann said...

So glad you are all doing so well. Looking forward to seeing you and the boys on Wednesday.

js said...

another adorable little boy! I can't wait to see him next time we come down. thanks so much for doing the blog - it's so fun to see the pictures. Camden is so grown up!!

Michelle said...

What a beautiful family. Truly. I love the pictures! They're so serene. Way to go with the solo time---good luck!

Dan and Nicole said...

ha! I'm glad they look serene. We were bribing Camden with popcorn and juice and behind the photographer are huge piles of laundry, a pack n play, and lots of other junk!

December 2019

 Still playing catch up. The boys wrote their letters to Santa on the long drive home. We went to Luminaria with the cousins and had our ann...