Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A toddler's life for me

Camden has been pretty spoiled while I've been recovering.  We've watched a lot of movies, eaten on the couch, and pretty much done whatever else kept Camden happy and me out of pain. I am feeling much better now though and things are getting back to normal.

How we hung out for the first couple days after Dan went back to work.

Eating fishies and being totally content in life

A portion of my awesome bruising

Playing food is still one of Camden's favorite activities. He pretty much just "sets the table" and and hoards the yummy food.

Conquering Dad
 My mom sent Camden a care package to help keep him occupied while I was recovering.

He only noticed the cars

Loves them!
 He was actually having a really rough day that day. I think it was just a lack of sleep from the night before but he threw no less than seven 15 minute tantrums.
If you think this picture is sad, wait for the videos
 The thing about Camden's tantrums is that they go from 0 to 60 and back to 0 over the littlest things. Usually the tantrums start because of the pantry and Camden's desire to "go pantry minute" and point out and ask for all the food he can't have like "some green cereal" (Dan's sugary cereal).

This picture was not even 5 minutes after the last one
 This weekend we went down to Provo to see Jared's new office and have dinner at Bridal Veil falls.
My boys!

Camden loves Uncle Jared and waterfalls so this was a pretty great day for him

Snuggling in bed. I seriously have no idea how people can let their kids sleep in bed with them Camden is all over the place!

He is growing too fast!
 Grandma Julie is up visiting this week. Camden is loving the attention and getting spoiled again!

He made her do this puzzle like 50 times
 I do not know what Camden was saying but he wanted to "moos" the tower which meant knock it over with his face while Dad did the same.


Warning: this tantrum video is pretty long. You probably don't want to watch the whole thing. When you are only ten seconds in and thinking "done" just be glad you weren't there for the 15 minute version with showings every hour.

At least he is the most adorable kid ever when he's happy

Seriously the cutest, huh!

The weather is getting much cooler here and it is actually pretty nice. I know winter is coming but I'm trying not to dwell on that! Dan has gotten a lot done on the basement and I need to take some pictures and do a post of that. I really should do a post of just Camden stats, too. His speech is amazing and he is saying some funny things. He is doing complete sentences and learns new things everyday! He can count from one to 13 and is starting to do the ABC's . He knows all his colors including white, grey, and black. He can sing some pretty adorable songs and I often hear him singing to himself in his crib. I can't believe how old he is getting! He is still a baby in a lot of ways but the day when he is just a little boy is coming soon!


Katie Mullins said...

I got totally behind on your blog but caught up today! Camden is of course soooo stinkin cute. I'm so glad you are recovering well and have so much help there. Wish we could come hang out! Miss you!

jerrie said...

as always thank you for taking the time to share with us the life with your adorable son. you are right hes growing very fast right before our eyes.I love his little voice, he enunciates so well.
I guess since hes doing everything else early hes doing the "terrible twos" early too. the tantrums. so sad cuz they dont know what they want and cant figure it

ashley said...

He is super adorable and getting soo big! It saounds like he is saying "smoosh" the tower! Haha I wish I could come up and visit you guys more often!

Jo Ann said...

I, too, love that you share so much of life with Camden--even the tantrum. That broke my heart--and I am so impressed with the way you handle it, Nicole. Your voice remained calm. I'm afraid I wasn't so wise.

December 2019

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