Monday, December 3, 2012

11 months

I'm a little behind in posting about Camden's actual stats and his monthly photos so I'm going to do a little catch up and then do 11 months.

8 months

9 months

10 months
 He doesn't look too much different other than his hair sometimes, but he is a lot taller. We can definitely see his personality coming out and he is STUBBORN. (I'm sure the grandparents know where he gets that!) He already wants to do a lot of things himself and gets frustrated when he can't. He has 8 teeth (as of today) and bites hard! He is getting better at eating things with texture and actually ate some orange and cucumber today. He is still the most adorable kid I've ever seen and I can't wait until he turns one! We are attempting to get him off the bottle and the binky so any advice you have would be great. I don't think the bottle will be too hard because he doesn't ever want it unless I show it to him but he does expect his bink as soon as he lays down for a nap or for bed. That one may take a little while!
11 months!


Dan Davis said...

He must be talking to his Dad in that first 11 month pic.

Klundt Family said...

Great photos!!

December 2019

 Still playing catch up. The boys wrote their letters to Santa on the long drive home. We went to Luminaria with the cousins and had our ann...