Monday, September 10, 2012


We have had a great summer and I am actually looking forward to the fall. I'm super excited for the holidays with Camden and his upcoming 1st birthday! The first thing we bought when we found out we were having a boy was this adorable pair of Vans. They are Camden's only pair of shoes and they just happen to match Daddy's. I had to get a picture while Camden still fits his and while Dan's are still in decent condition.

My mom came up and visited for her 50th and gave Camden and I haircuts. She has trimmed his hair before, but this was the first haircut where there was enough hair that we needed to sweep afterwards. So I'm counting it as the first "real" haircut.  We also went downtown, had lunch and walked around temple square and the new city creek mall for a bit. Camden was a gem and didn't cry once in our whole adventure.

 At 8 months Camden is finally sleeping through the night. He goes to bed between six and seven and sleeps until seven or eight the next morning! The one drawback is that Dan and I are so used to waking up through out the night that we often wake up for no reason at 4 am still. We are anticipating crawling but since Camden is the most stubborn kid ever and I am a complete push over, he might refuse for a bit longer. He does scoot backwards now but that's about it.
 This last weekend we went up to Silver Lake and had lunch and walked around. It was beautiful weather and a beautiful view.
 We actually saw two moose but one was so close (literally feet away) that I was too intent on getting Camden safely past and didn't take a picture. We then saw this guy in the distance and decided we could take some time to pose here.
That's pretty much the update. We have a couple little house projects in the works and some more outings planned but all in all we are just enjoying each other and our little family!

1 comment:

Klundt Family said...

Hooray for new blog posts! Thanks for the photos!

December 2019

 Still playing catch up. The boys wrote their letters to Santa on the long drive home. We went to Luminaria with the cousins and had our ann...