Wednesday, February 1, 2012

1 month!

So I promise I will eventually have pictures of us actually doing something but since I am still not allowed, Camden pretty much just sleeps and eats, and its cold outside you just get some more pictures of him. If you aren't a grandparent you might want to take a break from this blog for the next little while :) The month went by really fast and Camden and I are slowly figuring each other out (mostly I'm figuring him out and he does what ever he wants). He is adorable though and that makes up for the rough patches. So here are some fun "facts" (fun should probably be in quotes too for anyone who isn't a grandparent) from the last month and some pictures.

Camden has tried a variety of sleep schedules ranging from waking up every hour (worst days ever!) to sleeping for closer to 3 hours. I had no idea 2 1/2 hours of sleep could feel so good. Here is a picture of him at 10 days! He has such skinny arms.

He is finally taking after his parents and being a good eater. He now weighs 8lbs 4oz and is getting some rolls. Here is a picture from yesterday at 1 month. Not too much noticable difference but he does feel heavier.

He makes a variety of enjoyable faces, Dan's favorite is his "after pooping" face and mine are his sleep smiles. We attempted to take some pictures to document his baby-ness and its obvious we are not professionals. I should put up the bad ones too for a good laugh but they are pretty bad. This is his generally content and awake face, he looks so bored with us!
Semi staged in the hat Cori made him. If you look close you can see why I call him my little werewolf baby.This last one is purely to illustrate how awesome Camden is. He is so cool his hair naturally faux hawks. And he is obviously too cool to smile for the camera (although not too cool to spit up on his newly laundered sleeper).
Anyway, that's Camden at 1 month. I would include an update of me but since I still have 15 lbs to lose and a photo of my awesome scar would be quite inappropriate you don't get any photos just yet. I am feeling better though, almost back to normal. I don't have photos of Dan either but he is doing great. He is an awesome dad and husband. He helps out with everything and handles all my new mom freakouts very well. We couldn't do it with out him!


Shopkins said...

he is to die for!! Love all these photos!! Yay for an update! :) So glad you are doing well and feeling better. Gotta love being a mom huh? And trying to figure out what the heck is going on. it gets better! :) Enjoy. Miss you!

kami said...

He is so cute Nicole!! Hope you're hanging in's not easy, that is for sure! Lots of love <3

Lauren Mc said...

Yay! He is good looking! I love his dark hair. :) I also like your blog. A lot.

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